Book Launch Palooza is (nearly) Here!

I am in a wonderful mood, because I am being featured in so many lovely places…as we celebrate the launch of my newest book, The Key to All Things! It’s a gonna go live this Saturday, the 25th!

This book is especially beloved…and especially frightening because it was a lot of work. It is, in a lot of ways, a very ambitious and layered tale.

And you will be able to learn more — may be more than you want, about me and my newest book in the following places…

Follow Your Curiosity Podcast: Inspiration and Originality with Cindy Lynn Speer, July 22nd. Nancy Norbeck is a long time friend and inspiration, who has the best chats with some of the most fascinating people. My favorite, of course, being the upcoming interview with…Paul McGann. Hah. See? I am not vain….yet.

July 25th — The Key to All Things is released! 😀

The Big Idea, July 27th — John Scalzi’s letting me blabber on about the idea behind The Key to All Things.

Coffee Thoughts — July 30th All Day. I’ll post off and on all day about my new book, being an author in the time of Coronavirus, and things that just appeal and make me happy

ConZealand/World Con — All times are in Wellington, New Zealand Time Zone

Reading: Cindy Lynn Speer Format: Reading

30 Jul 2020, Thursday 12:30 – 12:55, Reading Room 1 (Programming)

Book Launch: The Key to All Things by Cindy Speer Format: Book Launch

30 Jul 2020, Thursday 14:00 – 14:50, Book Launches (Programming)

Urban Fantasy in the 21st Century Format: Panel

1 Aug 2020, Saturday 16:00 – 16:50, Programme Room 1 (Webinar) (Programming)

Urban fantasy has evolved in recent years, and its popularity has spread, so that we now even have urban fantasy on TV. How has it changed, and what are good examples?

Cindy Lynn Speer, Carrie Vaughn (M) , Maria Haskins, Janna Ruth

From Sword to Pen Format: Workshop

2 Aug 2020, Sunday 12:00 – 13:00, Workshops (Programming)

A workshop showing off basic fencing techniques and discussing sword fighting how to’s, for both people curious about picking up the sword and writers wanting to improve their scenes.

My Favorite Bit, August 6th — Mary Robinette Kowal, who made such a huge impression on me during the SFWA conference is letting me talk about my favorite bit of The Key to All Things — which happens to have swordy bits.

Book Tour, August 10th — Goddess Fish is putting together a week’s worth of awesome blog stops. More soon!

Romance Writers of America Online Convention — don’t know what I am doing, yet, but I will be there! I know they have been going through some tough times, but I will always be grateful to them for letting me join. Augist 28th.

World Fantasy Convention — don’t know what I am doing there, either. I know it is in November. They did email me and ask if I’d like them to interview me, and of course, I am crazy chuffed over that.

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