
Life is never dull for an Agent of Balance…


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Andromeda Pendragon has been trained her whole life to be an agent of Balance, an organization that acts as a supernatural UN to keep the peace among werewolves, vampires and magic users. It’s a busy start for a new agent–all she has to do is prevent a war, solve several murders, stay out of prison, keep the world from learning about things that have been secret for hundreds of years and preserve the stability to the agency she was raised to be a part of. And then there’s Alaister, the man she loved and let go because no normal man wants a girlfriend who hangs out with creatures from his nightmares. The man who re-enters her life at a party the night a young woman is savagely murdered. The man who has a few secrets of his own. But nothing–and no one–will unbalance Andromeda Pendragon…




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Soft Cover, eBook

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SKU 9781934841907


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Unbalanced, like Blue Moon, takes place in out world…out world about fifteen or so years ago, so the technology would be very different from what I would write now.

The two books are in two different versions of our world, though, and while I am unsure if I will ever re-visit Blue Moon (I do miss those guys, though, especially Zorovin…) I have revisited the world of Unbalanced in my newest work in progress.