I write when I have time. Tea is one of the things that helps…it gives me something to break from work (I write on my lunch hours sometimes) and soothes me.
When you write catch as catch can it can be easy to loose track of what you’ve done. I set a goal of 2,000 words a day — if you can, set a goal you are pretty sure you can manage. You don’t want to feel overwhelmed, because a huge goal might feel so out of reach instead of challenging you it will just make you procrastinate. I like to bust goals — so if I set a reasonable goal, and surpass it fairly regularly I feel good about myself, and encouraged even when I hit a day where I’m lucky if I manage to string a hundred words together.
Self care are words you hear a lot lately, and I guess, in some ways, that is what I am saying here. You have to treat your writing brain like it’s own person, with needs that need to be fulfilled if it is to keep going. Give it rest. Feed it interesting things — I write a lot of real world magic inspired by actual folklore, so sometimes I read books on those subjects. I look at pictures. I go for walks and let the muse talk about other stories — as long as it knows that the main story must always be the focus. When you write as a second career, it is so east to not take care of that aspect of yourself.